Evangelical Reaction to the Haggard Revelations
The LA times has an article detailing the reactions of some evangelical leaders to the Haggard revelations. If you ask me, they're spooked. According to the article:The allegations against Haggard...
View ArticleDon't be mad at Bush
I was just reading a gnostic's thoughtful diary "Gen Odom RIPS George Bush: 'gone AWOL'" (I'll update this with a link to the diary soon). My thoughts on Gen. Odom's and a gnostic's insights are...
View ArticleRepealing the Blue Wall: A chance to clean house in the LAPD
While wildfires are all the rage in LA these days, the excessive shows of police force that have come to define the LAPD are perhaps too regrettably predictable to elicit the intensity of international...
View ArticleOperation Iraqi Liberation
I think it's fair to say that most in this community and country want the war in Iraq to end yesterday. Most of us also know that despite the tired 'liberationist' rhetoric from the White House and...
View ArticleHillary has more pledged delegates? ... What the F?!?
Ok, I'm officially confused. For starters full disclosure: I voted for Barack in CA, but it was really hard to choose. I'm officially 'bi-candidate'. No hissy fits here. I'll work my ass off for...
View ArticleObama Answers Krugman (Updated w/YouTube Video)
Obama gave an historic speech on the economy today in which he answered some of the criticisms leveled by one of his most vocal critics: Paul Krugman. The speech was well attended. Paul Volker,...
View ArticleWake Up, ******
Ok. It's late. Maybe it's that green mango I just had, or maybe it's because I'm a little infused with the film I just finished watching - The Departed. Maybe. Because I never fucking watch...
View ArticleFor the Sake of Party Unity: An Appeal to Sens. Clinton and Obama
Ok, let's all take a deep breath. The events of the past week have been unnerving to say the least, and I'm now really worried about the state of the primary race. To be sure, Obama is still the...
View ArticleHello?!? It's Mother's Day!
So why haven't you recommended this diary?!?It's mother's day for chrissake!.If I were his mother, I'd cry tears of pride everyday. I'm sure that she is. So I recommend that you recommend that diary....
View ArticleI Have to Take a Bath Now
I was originally going to write a more uplifting diary about my renewed optimism for Obama's chances in the fall, but I'm sorry, I have to vent a little first.Yesterday, I, like millions of Americans,...
View ArticleObama's Ads and Leadership
Ok. This isn't a 'sky is falling' diary. Despite the worry from some corners of Kos, I still like our chances this fall for many of the reasons outlined in this recommended diary that makes a sound...
View ArticleMcCain's National Co-Chair: Media Coverage Of Palin Is "Completely Fair," Not...
There's a front page diary on the expectations game for Palin. Apparently some McCain surrogates are playing the 'seXXism' card in response to all of Palin's dirty laundry. I'm wondering then, if...
View ArticleMcCain to suspend campaign again? Updated with transcript.
Sorry for the short post, but I thought I'd pass this nugget along from TPM. Maybe plain ole Sarah isn't ready for the debates? Maybe McCancel can't do two things at once? Help me out here. His...
View ArticleMcCain: "It didn't come up in the flow of the conversation" (Update x1)
Can you believe this?!? I'm sorry. I've got to write a quick diary before heading off to work, but I thought I'd share another nugget from the good folks at TPM.Here's what McCain said to Charlie...
View ArticleSuspect Arrested In Tiller Murder
Sorry for the brief diary. Just thought I'd flag this for people.The story's up now at the Witchita Eagle.WICHITA - The suspect in this morning's fatal shooting of George Tiller is in custody,...
View ArticleAnother F*ckin' Nutcase Brings Gun to Obama Event
Alright, listen up people. I know there's much wailing and gnashing of teeth over health care. I understand why people are upset about the administration's softened rhetoric over the public option,...
View ArticleBoehner: Tauzin Appeasing Obama
Check out this nuggetfrom Josh Marshall.Here's a new wrinkle in the health care skirmishes: apparently Rep. Boehner has fired off an angry letter to Billy Tauzin accusing him of appeasing the Obama...
View ArticleMy boss: "I wish someone would assassinate him."
This is what someone I work for just said to me. I'm stunned. I'm stunned and really, really pissed off. Sadly, I'm hardly the only one to experience something like this since last November; and...
View ArticleJust Go Then
Are you one of the forty-percent of Democrats who want to whine and go home next year? If so, then you should go. Just get the fuck out and take your weakness with you. I can't stand the smell nor...
View ArticleIrrelevant
This is great news from John McCain!Via the Wall Street Journal:I am entertained every time I see these people attack her and attack her and attack her. She’s irrelevant, but they continue to attack...
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